Knowledge Base Development - 4: Specifier Types

Types of Specifiers

When creating the concept of ontology, it is necessary to specify its specifier, which determines the number and ordering of the concepts of the knowledge base generated on the basis of this concept of ontology.

= 'copy' (copy)

A copy of the concept of ontology is generated in the knowledge base. The name of the knowledge base concept is copied from the name of the ontology concept and can not be changed. The generation of the concept of a knowledge base is mandatory.

[=] 'copymm' (possible absence)

In the knowledge base, a copy of the concept of ontology is optionally generated. The name of the knowledge base concept is copied from the name of the ontology concept and can not be changed. The generation of the concept of a knowledge base is not compulsory

! 'one' (exactly one)

A copy of the concept of ontology is generated in the knowledge base. In this case, the name of the concept of the knowledge base may differ from the name of the concept of ontology. The generation of the concept of a knowledge base is mandatory.

[!] 'onemm' (zero or one)

In the knowledge base, a copy of the concept of ontology is optionally generated. In this case, the name of the concept of the knowledge base may differ from the name of the concept of ontology. The concept of the knowledge base is not mandatory.

* list (a non-empty list)

In the knowledge base a set of concepts corresponding to the concept of ontology is generated, at the same time at least one element must be generated. The names of the concepts of the knowledge base can differ from the name of the concept of ontology and can coincide with each other.

[*] listmm (possibly empty list)

In the knowledge base, a set of concepts corresponding to the concept of ontology is generated, and the generation of elements is not necessary. The names of the concepts of the knowledge base can differ from the name of the concept of ontology and can coincide with each other.

+ set (non-empty ordered set)

In the knowledge base a set of concepts corresponding to the concept of ontology is generated, at the same time at least one element must be generated. The names of the concepts of the knowledge base can differ from the name of the concept of ontology and can not coincide with each other.

[+] setmm (possibly empty ordered set)

In the knowledge base, a set of concepts corresponding to the concept of ontology is generated, and the generation of elements is not necessary. The names of the concepts of the knowledge base can differ from the name of the concept of ontology and can not coincide with each other.

^ seq (a nonempty sequence)

In the knowledge base a set of concepts corresponding to the concept of ontology is generated, at the same time at least one element must be generated. The names of the concepts of the knowledge base are their ordinal numbers obtained by generation.

[^] seqmm (possibly an empty sequence)

In the knowledge base, a set of concepts corresponding to the concept of ontology is generated, and the generation of elements is not necessary. The names of the concepts of the knowledge base are their ordinal numbers obtained by generation.

~ proxy (placeholder)

In the knowledge base, concepts derived from the given are generated, and the concept itself in the knowledge base is not displayed. This type of concepts is necessary for grouping the concepts of ontology in the event that the concept containing the group is not displayed in the knowledge base. When creating this concept, you must use a none constraint (described below).